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10 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking For Good In 2020

By July 30, 2023August 7th, 2023No Comments

Research shows that 70% of smokers want to quit – so if you are considering it, you’re not alone. We know quitting smoking is a challenge, furthermore each smoker will have a different quit journey; some quitters will succeed on their first try; while others may attempt many times before they stay stopped for good. That’s why put together a list of quit smoking tips.

If you’re thinking about quitting, or you’d like to help a friend or family member to do so, below are some tips to successfully quit smoking!

1. List the reasons why

Make a list of your reasons for stopping (maybe you want to run a marathon in the future or would like to save money for a holiday). Keep your list close at hand and read it as much as you can as your quit date approaches.

Before diving into the array of strategies to help you quit smoking, it’s essential to first understand and articulate the ‘why’ behind this significant life change. The reasons for quitting smoking are as varied as the individuals who decide to take this courageous step.

Some might be driven by health concerns, others by the desire to set a positive example for their loved ones, and some might be motivated by the sheer economic burden of maintaining a smoking habit.

Knowing your ‘why’ creates a foundation of motivation that acts as an anchor during challenging times. It’s this internal compass that can pull you back when temptations arise, reminding you of the bigger picture and the multitude of benefits that await.

Whether you’re hoping to regain lung capacity for your morning runs, aiming to live a longer life to witness your grandchildren grow, or simply wanting to reclaim control over your choices, your reasons provide the driving force that pushes you forward.

2. Have support at hand

Quitting is far more than just throwing your cigarettes in the bin. Smoking is an addiction. The brain is hooked on nicotine. Without it, you will experience withdrawals.

Therefore, it is crucial that you have support in place prior to your quit date. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about all the methods that will help, such as quit-smoking classes and support helplines. These supports will not only help you get ready to quit but will also assist you throughout the quitting process.

Quitting smoking

3. Set a quit date

Research has shown that most people who successfully quit smoking do so by stopping altogether and not by gradually cutting down. So pick your day to stop smoking and stick to it.

Choosing a specific quit date is a powerful step in your journey to stop smoking. Rather than leaving your commitment open-ended or based on vague intentions, setting a concrete date provides clarity and a tangible goal to work towards.

It allows you to mentally and emotionally prepare, creating an environment of anticipation and accountability. Whether it’s a significant date like a birthday, the beginning of a new month, or any other day that holds meaning for you, having this marked on your calendar serves as a daily reminder of your commitment.

By doing this, you’re not just expressing a wish to quit; you’re carving out a defined moment in time to begin a healthier chapter of your life.

4. Change your routine

Smoking is often linked to certain times and situations such as the first smoke in the morning, drinking tea or alcohol. These are called your ‘triggers’. Replace these triggers with new activities that you don’t associate with smoking. For example, if you always had a cigarette with cups of tea switch to fruit juice instead.

Routine and habit often go hand-in-hand, especially when it comes to smoking. Many smokers have specific triggers or routines that signal it’s time for a cigarette, be it a morning coffee, a post-meal ritual, or a break during work.

By consciously altering these routines, you can disrupt the patterns that cue the desire to smoke. Start by identifying the moments in your day when you typically reach for a cigarette. Once recognized, substitute that action with a new, healthier habit.

This could mean changing your morning beverage, taking a short walk after meals, or picking up a hobby to engage in during breaks. The aim is to rewire your brain’s associations, making it easier to sidestep cravings and reinforcing your commitment to a smoke-free life.

5. Deal with cravings

Cravings occur often during the first few days after you quit. Cravings usually increase in intensity over a period of 3-5 minutes and then begin to ease off.

When tackling cravings, remember the 4 Ds

  • Delay at least three minutes and the urge will pass
  • Drink a glass of water or fruit juice (sip slowly)
  • Distract yourself. Move away from the situation- talk to a friend, get out for a walk or read a book.
  • Take a deep breath. Breathe slowly, deeply and continue to do so until you feel relaxed.

6. Increase physical activity

Being active can lessen nicotine cravings and will assist in easing some withdrawal symptoms. When you want to reach for a cigarette, put on your runners and go for a run instead. Even mild exercise will help you feel better, such as walking your dog or hoovering the house will help.

Embracing a more active lifestyle can be a game-changer when attempting to quit smoking. Physical activity not only distracts from cravings but also offers immediate feedback on the benefits of a smoke-free life.

As you reduce or eliminate your smoking habit, you’ll likely notice a gradual improvement in your lung capacity, stamina, and overall energy levels. Engaging in regular exercise, whether it’s brisk walking, cycling, or any other form of movement, underscores these benefits. Each deep breath during a workout serves as a reminder of the healing and regeneration of your lungs.

7. Reward yourself

Aside from all the health benefits, another advantage to quitting cigarettes is all the money you will save! If you smoke a 20 pack of cigarettes a day and stay  stopped for a month you will save an average of 378 euros! There are online calculators that figure out how much richer you will be. Make sure to reward yourself by spending part of it on something enjoyable!

8. Watch what you eat

Don’t attempt to diet while you give up cigarettes. Too much food deprivation will leave you at risk of relapse. Planning ahead is key! Instead of stocking the cupboard full or chocolate bars and biscuits, choose to have  fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains snacks at hand. These will ease your cravings and are good for your whole body.

Diet plays a pivotal role when transitioning away from smoking. Often, nicotine cravings can be mistaken for hunger pangs, leading to increased snacking or choosing less nutritious options. Paying attention to what you eat, and when, can aid in reducing the urge to light up.

Incorporating a balanced diet with whole foods, rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, can stabilize blood sugar levels, which in turn helps regulate mood and reduce irritability. Moreover, certain foods can make cigarettes taste less appealing.

For instance, foods like milk, fruits, and vegetables can leave a residual taste that contrasts with the flavor of tobacco. On the other hand, caffeine and alcoholic beverages might enhance the craving for a cigarette.

9. Take one day at a time

It may take a little while to get adjusted to life without cigarettes. Remember, every day without a cigarette is good news for your health, your loved ones and your bank account.

As soon as you quit, you immediately experience a range of health benefits. After only 20 minutes, your heart rate goes back to normal. Within a day, your blood’s carbon monoxide level also falls back into place. In just two to three weeks, you will start to lower your odds of having a heart attack. In the long run, you will also lower your chance of getting lung cancer and other cancers!

10. If you relapse…

A hard day at the office, being around friends who smoke or having a social drink can make you slip. But all is not lost if this occurs. Remember many smokers relapse before they quit for good. When this happens it may be beneficial to return to your list of  reasons as to why you stopped smoking in the first place and prepare to quit again.

As a workplace wellness company, we are always trying to encourage healthy habits so we hope you got something from this blog piece.

*This is not medical advice, please contact a medical professional if you think you need to seek further help.