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Mental Health Toolkit Support

This pack was developed to encourage the development of a practical skillset that attendees can employ immediately in their daily lives.

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Mental Health Toolkit

The Mental Health Toolkit session is guided towards equipping attendees with the techniques to take control of their mental health by providing simple skills and tools. We know the landscape is shifting by the day, so we have developed this session to be both up to date to address the latest challenges and to be adaptable to future concerns.


A snapshot of our Mental Health Toolkit package

Mental Health Toolkit

Format: Training available as a pre-record or live session
Length: 45mins + Q&A

The Mental Health Toolkit session is guided towards equipping attendees with the techniques to take control of their mental health by providing simple skills and tools. We know the landscape is shifting by the day, so we have developed this session to be both up to date to address the latest challenges and to be adaptable to future concerns.

Some of the takeaways from this training include:

  • Following a turbulent two years, we have developed this session with up-to-date research to combat the mental health concerns of 2022.
  • This practical session is guided towards equipping attendees with the techniques to take control of their mental health by providing simple skills and tools. It will cover information about how to recognise poor mental health in oneself and others and provide techniques to help address them.

Basics of Breathwork

Format: Training available as a pre-record or live session
Length: 45mins + Q&A

Breathing is an essential process vital to our health and wellbeing and yet in the midst of our busy lives we can often give it little conscious attention. It is one of the biological rhythms we easily take for granted, like our heartbeat – yet both of these functions provide the flagstone of our existence.

 Some other key takeaways include:

  • Participants will leave this session with a clear understanding of the vital role breathing plays in determining their overall health and wellbeing and how to consciously improve their unconscious breathing patterns in beneficial ways.
  • They will leave with short, easy-to-use breathing practices which they can employ throughout their working day to relieve stress.

Hear from Past Participants of our Programmes

“We are very happy with Zevo Health and pleased to be working with your team. I don’t know how you manage to make every company feel like they are your No.1 customer – it’s an impressive skill which seems to come naturally to you guys.”


“The training gave me a better understanding of different kinds of mental health issues, some of which I was not aware of. The role playing gave me a better insight on how to potentially deal with an issue if it arose”


We have a range of other workshops that may suite your needs too so don't hesitate to ask if you do not see one for you here