
Ann Gleeson, MA

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Education: Ann is a fully qualified humanistic and integrative psychotherapist. She studied at third level education, where she trained for eight years in the areas of psychology (BA), counselling (HDip) and psychotherapy (MA).  

Areas of Expertise: Humanistic and integrative psychotherapist. Areas of psychology (BA), counselling (HDip) and psychotherapy (MA).  

About Ann

Ann Gleeson’s 13-year career in Irish radio crossed paths with her return to third level education, where she trained for eight years in the areas of psychology (BA), counselling (HDip) and psychotherapy (MA).  

Ann is a fully qualified humanistic and integrative psychotherapist, and the depth and richness of this therapeutic experience has been carried through to her work in Zevo Health, where she joined in 2019. 

She transferred the wealth of knowledge, skills and experience developed in her academic and psychotherapeutic career, to her role as health coach – assisting clients in their mental health journeys, in both group and 1-1 settings.  

Ann recently took up the role of psychological wellbeing practitioner in Zevo Health, where she continues the rewarding journey in her mental health career, working with numerous clients in various settings in the areas of mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

Her wide scope of learning and experience means that a wealth of information can be drawn on to suit the task and group with which she is working. Twinning this with her long standing skillset working in media and engaging with groups along each point of her career to date, she has the ability to create an engaging, informative and resonating plan of action when it comes to wellness and mental health. 

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