What is emotional wellbeing?

Well-being, or wellbeing, also known as wellness, prudential value, or quality of life, refers to what is intrinsically valuable relative to someone. The wellbeing of a person is what is ultimately good for this person, what is in the self-interest of this person.

Similar to IQ providing an indicator of academic intelligence, emotional wellbeing refers to the ability to identify, access, and process personal emotions. It also encompasses the ability to harmoniously connect and relate with others.

Why is emotional wellbeing important?

Emotional wellbeing is important as it allows an individual to be aware and emphatic of the challenges people may be facing. Emotional wellbeing is a crucial component of our overall health and wellbeing. A paper from the BMJ discussed how important emotional wellbeing is for our health and how it is tied to other facets of overall wellness. The article states, “research shows that emotional distress creates susceptibility to physical illness.” Additionally, they found that emotional wellness facilitates recovery and protects us from premature mortality.

What’s the relationship between emotional wellbeing and health?

Everything in your life — physical, social, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual—connects to your sense of wellbeing. You can enhance your mind by walking for just 10-15 minutes a day. This benefits both your body and your brain as it releases endorphins that make you feel better. As a result of these healthy lifestyle changes, you can improve many things such as your sleep, and help reduce anxiety and stress.

Wellbeing is a diverse concept that can affect every area of your life. Many research studies have shown the link between poor mental health and the negative effects it has on a person’s physical health. Considering this, there is also emerging data showcasing how positive wellbeing can have a positive effect on an individual’s life.

What are examples of emotional wellbeing?

Emotional wellbeing is the ability to be kind to yourself as you experience and recognise a wide range of emotions.

Below are some examples of showing emotional wellbeing:

  • Having the ability to share your feelings with others
  • Not feeling guilty when saying “no”
  • Having the ability to talk to someone about your emotional concerns
  • Surrounding yourself with people that care about you

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